Il Papa - La Primavera

La Primavera


Balletto chiamato La Primauera
Balletto called La Primavera,
composto p(er) Giouannino
composed by Giovannino
Piglinsi p(er) mano et i(n)sieme faccino una reuerenza e le co(n)tinenze co(n) dua scempi e la uolta
They take each other by the hand, and together they do a reverenza and the continenze with two sempi and the volta.
Dipoi escha la do(n)na fuori co(n) 4 passetti e, aloro si uolti tal che restino i(n) triangolo
Then the lady leaves with 4 passetti and turns to them in such a way that they remain in a triangle.
e cosi i(n)sieme faccino le riprese e le co(n)tinenze e dua passi i(n)anzi
And thus, together they do the riprese and the continenze and two passi forwards.
e seguitano i(n)sieme col darsi la mano e cosi i(n) q(uest)o p(re)si p(er) mano si fanno la riuerenza
And together they continue by giving hands to one another, and thus having taken hands like this, they do the reverenza to one another.
dipoi tutti seguitano e fanno dua scempi i(n)dreto li huomini cioe co(n)tro alla do(n)na et ella uer' loro discostandosi
Then all continue and they do two sempi back, that is, the men opposite to the lady, and she moving towards them unsiding herself.
e aq(uest)o seguita la uolta e d(e)bbi sapere ch(e) tutto q(ue)llo da qui i(n)anzi faranno sara semp(re) i(n) u(n) tempo medesimo.
And upon this follows the volta, and you must know that all that they will do from this point on will be in the same tempo.
Fanno dappoi dua scempi e la uolta
Then they do two sempi and the volta.
Dipoi la do(n)na da la ma(n) ritta et egli alei aq(ue)llo i(n)tendo ch(e) glie ama(n) ritta e fanno dua scempi epassano
Then the lady gives her right hand to that intended who is on her right hand, and he to her, and they do two sempi and they pass.
e cosi mutando iluogi d(e)bbano mutar nel dar le mane e cosi da(n)dosi la ma(n)cha faccino 4 passetti etornino a iluogi loro
And thus changing their places, they must change in giving hands, and thus giving left hands to one another, they do 4 passetti, and they return to their places.
dipoi la do(n)na dia la mano mancha aq(ue)llo ch(e) glie i(n)sulla mancha et egli alei et faccino il medesimo ch(e) fatto ha la do(n)na col suo co(m)pagnio
Then the lady gives her left hand to him who is on the left hand, and he to her, and they do the same thing that the lady did with his companion.
faccino dipoi dua scempi passando cioe la do(n)na nel far isua passi p(e)r il mezzo d(e)gli huomini
Then they do two sempi passing, that is, the lady when doing her steps goes through the midst of the men,
e dreto aquesti dua scempi
and back towards them two sempi.
faccino le riprese i(n)sulla mancha et uoltinsi et altrettante ne faccino sulla ritta e q(uest)o p(er) il diritto dela sala
They do the riprese on the left, and they turn themselves, and do as many again on the right, and this straight through the hall.
uoltinsi dipoi et p(er) il largo d(el)la sala faccino le riprese ama(n) mancha e ama(n) ritta
Then they turn, and through the width of the hall they do the riprese to the left and to the right.
dipoi tutti faccinsi una reuerenza
Then all of them do to one another a reverenza.
e uenendosi i(n)contro faccino dua scempi e la uolta
And coming towards one another they do two sempi and the volta.
e seguitino col farsi una reuerenza e dua scempi co(n)la uolta.
And they continue by doing a reverenza to one another, and two sempi with the volta.
Dipoi la donna si uolti aquello ch(e) glie ama(n) ritta e dia gli la mano et egli alei e faccino passandosi enil passar dandosi la mana u(n) trapassino et u(n) passo e uoltinsi
Then the lady turns to him who is on her right hand and gives him her hand, and he to her, and passing one another, they do - and in passing they give hands to each other - a trapassino and a passo, and they turn.
e seguitono faccendo unaltro trapassino e u(n) passo come ipassati i(n) modo ch(e) si uerranno atornare aluogi loro
And they continue, doing another trapassino and a passo like those they just did, in such a way that they will come to return to their places.
dipoi la do(n)na dia la ma(n) mancha aquello che glie ama(n) mancha e facci ilmedesimo che a fatto con il compagio [sic]
Then the lady gives her left hand to him who is on her left hand, and she does the same that she did with his companion.
dipoi seguita la donna e da la ma(n) ritta aquello glie ama(n) ritta e tutti i(n)sieme dandosi la mana fanno la treccia di sei trapassini et cosi ciascuno torna al suo luogo
Then the lady continues, and gives her right hand to him who is on her right hand, and all together, giving hands, they do the treccia of six trapassini, and thus each one returns to his place.
dipoi fanno dua sce(m)pi adreto discostandosi la do(n)na da lihuomini e la uolta
Then they do two sempi back with the lady leaving the side of the men, and the volta.
fanno dipoi la riuerenza dua scempi i(n)anzi e la uolta
Then they do the riverenza, two sempi forwards, and the volta.
ma la do(n)na i(n)quel tempo ch(e) gli huomini fanno la uolta lei torna i(m)mezzo di loro co(n) 4 passetti et E
But the lady, in this tempo, in which the men do the volta, she returns to their midst with 4 passetti and it is...